
Newsletter 28 July Newsletter

Newsletter 28 July

News in BoxNo visual developments occurred, except Beijing claimed about complete disengagement, Headlines of the Week Sino-India Standoff: Despite of Beijing’s claim, New Delhi is seems irresponsiveChina, India complete troops disengagement in most border loc…
Newsletter 27 July Newsletter

Newsletter 27 July

News in BoxSino-Indian Standoff seems to Waiting Terrible Winter? No specific news from US-China front, but LoC is heating up slowly though it’s a consistent feature.  Headlines of the Week India Celebrated Vjiay Diwas on July 26thSino-Indian Standoff seems to…
Newsletter 24 July Newsletter

Newsletter 24 July

News in Box Headlines of the Week Sino-Indian StandoffIndia restricts Chinese companies from participating in public procurement bidsPompeo unleashes on China, urges West to 'change' the Communist PartyChina Calls UK Citizenship Route For Hong Kong Residents V…
Newsletter 23 July Newsletter

Newsletter 23 July

News in BoxCondition over Sino-Indian clash seems blowing up at various dimension while China-US relation is also deteriorating with greater speed with every passing day. Headlines of the Week Come invest in India, says PM Modi in address to India Ideas Summit…
Newsletter 22 July Newsletter

Newsletter 22 July

News in BoxWeek in BoxSino-Indian Standoff continues and even in all headlines, while New Delhi seems sluggish in taking stand against China, but US appears continuously vocal for India, since June 15th. Headlines of the Week India prepares for ‘collusive’ thr…
Newsletter 20 July Newsletter

Newsletter 20 July

News in BoxIndian Standoff continues and even in all headlines. However, entering of US in game, pressure also building up over China on various fronts. Good news is also not for China from Taiwan, Japan, UK and Australia. In fact India is at the furculum for …